Enjoy our latest series by clicking the watch button. After clicking, you'll see each week of the series & can choose to watch the 9:00 traditional service or the 10:30 contemporary service. 


One Nation Under God

Nations come and go, empires rise and fall. They are like actors on a stage. They have a role but they are not the play itself. God’s love for the nation of Israel was to show the whole world His redemptive patience for the people He loves. He will always be faithful. His mercy will never end. But the building of nations has never been the purpose of God. His focus is much more precise, the focus of establishing His Kingdom in the hearts of His beloved children. In this series we'll explore the pursuit of citizenship in the homeland of the King of Kings.

Plot Twist

Life doesn't always go as expected & neither did Jesus' stories. They often revealed an unexpected ending, presenting a perspective that unnerved His hearers and challenged them to a radical reversal of life. In this series, turn the page to key parables in Matthew’s gospel and find unexpected discoveries of truth for Jesus’ disciples then and today.

Biblical View of Women

Ladies, this 2 week sermon series focuses on YOU! We know the overwhelm you face day-in-and-day-out, but we also know your heavenly Father wants to replace that with the peace that transcends all understanding. Learn to let go of the pleasing, the pressure, and the criticism you so often dwell on. Accept that you alone are enough.Christ died and rose again for us. Now, it’s time to do something about it! Over the next 4 weeks we’re embarking on a mission-focused sermon series packed with events where you can learn more about how to help make a difference. Jesus didn’t die for a one day celebration, but for love & life-change. Help make it happen!

From Neighbors to Nations

Christ died and rose again for us. Now, it’s time to do something about it! Over the next 4 weeks we’re embarking on a mission-focused sermon series packed with events where you can learn more about how to help make a difference. Jesus didn’t die for a one day celebration, but for love & life-change. Help make it happen!


The season leading up to Easter is a perfect time to reconnect with God’s ways. It provides an opportunity to open yourself up to biblical instruction that brings us back to the foundation of what we believe. This allows us to once again, or for the 1st time, let Christ stake His claim on our lives, and lead us to the life ever-lasting.

Stay Strong, Live Ready (2)

We're living between two important times in history - the first coming of Christ and the promise of His return. During these uncertain times as we bear suffering and spiritual attack, we must fix our hope on the Savior's return. In this sermon series, we'll look at how, with this hope based in Christ, the virtues of God's people - faith, hope, and love - can be shown.


From ancient prophecy to an angel's announcement to the mysterious visit from royalty in the East, the birth of Jesus is the most wonder-filled event in history. Each year, Christmas evokes a new sense of that wonder. Let's return to the scenes of the origins of the first Christmas and discover why the people, places and particulars are so spectacular and learn what they mean for God's people today.

Investing in the coming Kingdom

The bible undeniably describes the coming of a new Kingdom through the return of Jesus Christ. It will be a day like no other. This is a reality for believers that comes with hope and responsibility. Hope for that long-awaited day of the Lord, and the responsibility of knowing there is much work to be done while still on this planet.

Stay Strong, Live Ready

1 Thessalonians is a book full of encouragement, history, tips on how to live, & hope for the future! The next few weeks will be all about 1st Thessalonians and the themes covered in it.


"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8. We're called to tell people about Jesus, but that can be HARD! In this series, let's make sharing Jesus with someone normal! 

Move Up Sunday

This service focuses on Family Ministry. Our kids will be moving up to their new age group classes.

Baptism Sunday: It Is Never Too Late

This Sunday we're celebrating the sacred act of baptism and reaffirmation.


Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a great church, I want to invite you to Tipp City United Methodist Church. This church desires to see lives changed by the power of Jesus Christ, and that's something that happens every week! What an honor it is to be on this journey with people! I look forward to meeting you soon! God bless.

 - Pastor Dan